Details for Jamillah Moore





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Search Ventura County CCD Employee Name

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Jamillah Moore Details

Employee at: Ventura County CCD

Position: Chancellor

Employee Base Salary: $0.00

Employee Overtime: 0.00

Employee Other Salary: $0.00

Employee Benefits: $57,649.90

Employee Total Pay + Benefits: $283,549.90

Other Notes:

Data is from FY: 2014

California Details

There are a total of 395174 total employee records found in the 67 academic institutions found in the state of California.

Ventura County CCD Details

There are 313 different positions in Ventura County CCD and 2995 total employee records found.

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Browse Ventura County CCD's Top Earners

Employee Name Yearly Salary
Jamillah Moore $225,000.00
Richard Duran $186,134.04
Gregory Gillespie $186,134.04
Bernard Luskin $183,383.04
Michael Shanahan $177,624.96
Brian Fahnestock $171,890.72
David Fuhrmann $163,410.96
Lori Bennett $161,228.03
Patrick Jefferson $155,065.09
Iris Ingram $151,839.00
David Keebler $151,839.00
Carolyn Inouye $143,844.06
Carmen Guerrero $143,844.05
Kimberly Hoffmans $143,844.03
Mike Bush $141,166.50
Kathleen Schrader $141,162.00
Karen Engelsen $141,162.00
Julius Sokenu $141,162.00
Inajane Nicklas $141,162.00
Gwendolyn Lewis-Huddleston $141,162.00

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