Details for Deegan Robert P





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Deegan Robert P Details

Employee at: Palomar College

Position: Superintendent/president

Employee Base Salary: $0.00

Employee Overtime: 0.00

Employee Other Salary: $0.00

Employee Benefits: $45,545.00

Employee Total Pay + Benefits: $368,345.00

Other Notes:

Data is from FY: 2014

California Details

There are a total of 395174 total employee records found in the 67 academic institutions found in the state of California.

Palomar College Details

There are 483 different positions in Palomar College and 2836 total employee records found.

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Browse Palomar College's Top Earners

Employee Name Yearly Salary
Deegan Robert P $286,709.00
DeMaris Patricia J. $181,773.00
Cuaron Berta C $178,382.00
Tortarolo John S $169,735.00
Gonzales Adrian D. $163,100.00
Ballesteros-Perez Ronnie $161,478.00
Barr Rebecca A. $160,148.00
Owens Wilma G. $159,983.00
Barton Michelle A. $152,528.00
Miyamoto Norma L. $152,235.00
Haines Ronald R. $151,775.00
Sullins Donald F $147,750.00
Sourbeer Daniel B. $146,656.00
Sanchez Gabriel A $145,260.00
Stockert Brian H. $144,838.00
Fernandez Jose J. $142,652.00
Nguyen Trong D $142,582.00
Talmo Richard D $141,340.00
Hernandez Timothy M $141,190.00
Kahn Jack S. $139,239.00

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